White Papers

Integrating Medical and Behavioral Health

Integrating Medical and Behavioral Health is a proven approach to reduce costs and improve outcomes. This white paper lays out a prescription for how to successfully build these programs. And, we detail unique requirements to deliver solutions that improve the lives of patients.

Download a copy by clicking on the link below. It will take you to our online store where you can download the document free-of-charge.

IMBH White Paper

Social Determinants of Health Across the Continuum

Social determinants of health (SDoH) are an important topic for our industry these days. And, they’re especially important for complex and vulnerable populations. But, those aren’t the only individuals affected by SDoH. This white paper describes how SDoH affect us throughout our lives and with little concern for our socio-economic status. We also provide a framework for how SDoH can be integrated across the healthcare continuum and built into clinical programs.

Download a copy by clicking on the link below. It will take you to our online store where you can download the document free-of-charge.

SDoH White Paper

Building a Consumer-Driven System of Care

(Presentation) Building a consumer-driven system of care (SoC) that is truly responsive to individual needs requires a structured and disciplined approach. It must start with a detailed understanding of the populations being served and what they need most from the healthcare system.  And, responding to those needs means building benefits and services, care delivery, care management, member/patient engagement and other features that are uniquely responsive and tailored.  This presentation lays out a framework for how to build that kind of system.

SoC Presentation